EP 162: Objects of Design
Some things are cool ? even if you don?t know it yet. Andrew and I have prepared some stories today about some things you are probably familiar with but probably don?t actually know the whole story. We have each selected two things and we are going...
Ep 161: Wow Moments
It happens on every project ? sometimes you know exactly what it is because you had a hand in bring it into existence. Other times, you might be visiting the work of another architect, or really, you could just be going to a nice restaurant ? but if...
Ep 160: Determining Value
When I say the word ?value?, the meaning that typically comes to mind is generated by that persons position or context. Andrew and I were having a chat about how employees think of value versus how employers think of value and is there a disconnect...
Ep 159: Ask the Show Fall 2024
It is time for the second and last installment of the Life of an Architect ?Ask the Show? episode for 2024. Once again, as is our practice we solicited questions to be submitted through our Instagram channels and selected as many as we thought we...
Ep 158: Architects and iPads
For architects, todays post is a analysis of why you want to use an iPad and what applications are worth your consideration and money.
The post Ep 158: Architects and iPads first appeared on Life of an Architect.
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Ep 157: Project Constraints
You sit down at your desk, you turn your computer on, maybe you sharpen your pencils, you lay out your rolls of trace and your sharpie pens ? whatever your creative process – and you are about to start work solving the problems at hand ? But...
Ep 156: Build a Better House
We are discussing residential projects that focus on incorporating high value building science techniques with guest Steven Baczek.
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Ep 155: Optimism
The vast majority of practicing architects view the time spent practicing their craft as a calling, but what happens when you don?t want to get out of bed" Today we discuss the role of "optimism" in architecture.
The post Ep 155:...
Ep 154: Networking
Today we are tackling a topic that we have never covered before, not even a little. Imagine walking into a crowded room and not knowing who to talk to or what to say, a situation I have found myself uncomfortably in more times that my therapist can...
Ep 153: Inspiration
Inspiration can come from many different sources - but can you actively seek it out when you are feeling like you are in a dry spell"
The post Ep 153: Inspiration first appeared on Life of an Architect.
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Ep 152: Starting a New Job
When you are starting a new job, even you very first job, here are some tips that might make the transition a bit easier and potentially, more fruitful.
The post Ep 152: Starting a New Job first appeared on Life of an Architect.
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Ep 151: Starting a Business
We are finally conceding to a request that?s been made a thousand times ? do an episode on starting an architectural business ? a topic that I have resisted for essentially 6 years, and I think I?ve finally broken. This is not as easy of a topic to...
Ep 150: Drawing Stuff
So here we are … Episode 150, and I am a little surprised that I made it this far into this Life of an Architect experiment, but due to the support and interest we have received over the last 6 years, we find ourselves as what I believe to be...
Ep 149: Moonlighting
This will be the 5th time in 5,209 days that I have put my opinions about taking on extra work outside of your normal job and typically during ridiculous hours of the day and night. This practice has become to be known as ?moonlighting? and...
AIA24 Conference on Architecture & Design
There are many reasons to attend the AIA24 Conference on Architecture & Design - camaraderie with fellow architects, a chance to reconnect with friends, recharge your creative batteries, and that I would like to meet you.
The post AIA24...
Ep 148: Meetings are a Waste of Time
You check the time and realize that you have 4 minutes before your next meeting. Maybe it?s an internal meeting, maybe clients are coming in. Is it in person or online" Depending on how you answer those questions, time to start scrambling so...
Ep 147: Draw Like an Architect
How good do you need to be at drawing if you want to become an architect" Or ? How can I be an architect ? I can?t draw" Is there an easy answer to these questions" Of course there is, but that doesn?t mean the getting is easy.
Ep 146: Ask the Show Spring 2024
Tracking productivity, Bucket list vacation, Leadership styles, and Learning how to Draw Details ... We answer these questions and more today on Ep 146: Ask the Show Spring 2024
The post Ep 146: Ask the Show Spring 2024 first appeared on Life of an...
Ep 145: Delegated Design
If you have ever wondered what Delegated Design and Design Assist mean and how the distinction between the two could impact you and your liability and responsibility then this is a good resource of information as we break it down and discuss it in...
Ep144: Objects of Design
From a design standpoint, some things are just cooler than other things ? and these things don?t need to be justified to anyone because people either understand it or they don?t ? but that doesn?t mean there isn?t an interesting and amazing story...
EP 143: Architectural Drawings: Excessive or Essential
The episode "Architectural Drawings: Excessive or Essential" will focus on drawings and the question that first comes to mind is to talk about what we draw, why we draw it, and who we draw it for and why that impacts all other...
Ep 142: When I Grow Up
In Episode 142: When I Grow Up, Andrew and I discuss how things take place that divert you from your expected path as you move through your career. It\'s a natural evolution to move into new roles and responsibilities that break the idea you have...
Ep 138: Is Architecture School Broken pt. 2
Are students graduating from architecture school prepared for the profession" Is the educational system aligned with the workplace" What is the best software to teach students" Can we all just get along" We started this...
Ep 141: 2023 Yearapalooza
As the end of the 2023 season comes to an end, Life of an Architect looks at Fan Favorite Episodes, the Blog posts, and the graphics created to support the topics.
The post Ep 141: 2023 Yearapalooza first appeared on Life of an Architect.
Ep 139: Holiday Gift Guide for Architects
It?s almost that gift-giving time of the year and if you have an architect in your life, you know that getting them a gift is potentially the most agonizing experience possible - but that?s why we?re here. Now in its 14th consecutive year, Welcome...