LDA Design – British Landscape Architects

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LDA Design News
LDA Design Architectural News
29 Jun 2018
LDA Design to become an employee-owned business
Independent creative consultancy, LDA Design, is to become an employee-owned business.
The company behind the masterplan of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park celebrates its 40th year in business next year and employs 150 people.
The move to employee ownership is part of an ambitious programme, which this year includes opening three start-up studios in Bristol, Cambridge and Manchester.
?This move is a bold and exciting one for us. The Board wants to share the business to grow it, and believes this to be the right way to secure a long and bright future,? explains Andrew Harland, LDA Design Chairman. ?We have always wanted LDA Design to not be about individual egos but the brilliance of the collective. That aim holds true, and we want to see a future where all of our employees can help to shape our business. This will put us in an even stronger position and make succession planning easier.?
Union Terrace Gardens Transformation, Aberdeen, Scotland:
images Courtesy LDA
Much of the fine grain detail needs to be ironed out. Harland estimates that it will take about two years to complete the process and to set up an Employee Ownership Trust.
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