Impressive Romanesque Structures Around Europe

Popular during medieval times, Romanesque was the first pan-European architectural style after the Imperial Roman architecture. Its typical features were round arches, thick walls, large towers, small windows, and large cylindrical vaults. This sturdy architectural style later evolved into the Gothic style with thinner walls and larger windows through the developments in bearing elements.
Here are some of the most impressive examples of Romanesque architecture around Europe.
Santissima Trinita di Saccargia in the Island of Sardinia
The construction of Santissima Trinita di Saccargia was completed in 1116 and was entrusted to the Camaldolese monks. The frescoes inside the basilica are probably the only example of a well-preserved Romanesque mural painting on the island. The structure stands out with its tall bell tower and its black and white walls made of limestone and volcanic stone ashlars.
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